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  1. We are doing this project because we would like to explore the effect of different types of soils on the worms and macroinvertebrates.  a

  2. To contribute to this investigation, others can test locations in different parts of the city to see how worms and macroinvertebrates are affected by a variety of soil types.

  3. Understanding the distribution of worms and their effects on their environments


Project Summary:

This project analyzes the different characteristics of soils and their effects on the types of worms and macroinvertebrates present. To learn about soil types and their relationships with worms and macroinvertebrates, we visited a variety of locations in discrete environments (south lagoon, north pond, gardens, lily pool, etc.). In these locations, we are investigating what soil characteristics allow what types and how many of those types of invertebrates to surface. Others can contribute to this study by conducting our procedure in various locations throughout the city.


Great Lakes Worm Watch: University of Minnesota


David Costello and Lauren Kinsman Sept. 2008

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