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  1. Data can be collected anywhere that contains plentiful areas of soil.

  2. Our group has collected data in both highly maintained and natural environments in the Lincoln Park and lakefront area.

Preliminary Interpretation/Conclusion/Inferences:

Based on background research and preliminary results, we found that the sandy loam soil texture usually contains the greatest amount of worms. The clay soil texture was not a favorable habitat for worms and macroinvertebrates, therefore, in the places tested with this soil type, no worms were found.


Next Steps:

To further expand this investigation, outside scholars can test our procedures in additional locations throughout the city. New variables can be tested for a better understanding of the relationship between soil, worms, and macroinvertebrates. We can change our procedure by using a different method of random selection, for instance the tennis ball method, the random walk, and the random number table to further study areas of investigation. With the help of citizen scientists we can continue this project throughout all of the city of Chicago.

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